DNA Motorsports Presents Franklin County Fair Demolition Derby August 3rd 2024

bumper to bumper
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Tom Pickering (6) and Michael Wright (76) go back bumper to bumper as they battle for the win in the Semi Stock Compact Main as Pickering would get the best of him that night. It would be the return of the annual demolition derby at the Franklin County Fair and for the second year in a row, it would be run by DNA Motorsports for the first time in nearly 30 years the demolition derby would be back to a one-day show with all the classes competing starting at 2 pm and going til they ran all. As normal for the Franklin County Fair Demolition Derby, it would start with the kids' power wheel derby and then they would have their induction into the demolition derby Hall of Fame this year there would be three new members to the hall. As for the action on the track it would start with a pair of powder puff classes in the compact and the full-size division with the St. Marys taking the crown. Then it would be onto the heats for the stock and full-size cars. Then we would eventually get to the mains on the night and the first one would be the vans and the winner on this night would be Travis Aiken. Then it would be onto the bone stock full-size cars and the winner would be Robert Begor as it would come down to him and Jerry Streeter at the end. Then it would be onto the truck feature and they would keep it in the family as it will come down to father and son and Brad Wheeler would get the win. Then we would have the stock compact feature and the winner on the night would be Devon LaFlesh over a pair of the King boys. Then we would have the Semi Stock Compact feature and we would see Tom Pickering getting the win. Then to finish off the night off smashing and crashing we would have the semi-stock full size and when the dust settled it would come down to a Barney and Stockwell with the win going to Eric Stockwell. The next derby that these guys will be looking at will either be at the Vermont State Fair in Rutland, Vermont, or the Essex County Fair in Westport, NY the weekend of August 16th-18th both being presented by DNA Motorsports. Gallery

spining hit
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Martino (18) with the hit on Jeret O'Connor that sends him sideways into the wall eventually ending his night. Gallery

Clinton County Fair Demolition Derby July 13th 2024

back toback
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Terry Martineau (0) and Kyle Doner (85) go back to back during one of the heats for the Stock Compact divisions and it folds the trunk of the Doner car right up. It would be the annual return of the Demolition Derby at the Clinton County Fair and there would be around 100 entries in the pits to part in everything from the lawn tractors to the Economy Full Size V-8 cars. They would run all the heat races in the afternoon session to set up the features and the last-chance qualifiers for the evening show. The first feature out of the box would be the van feature and when the smashing and crashing would slow down there would be two left running it would be a matchup between Alex Martin and Zach Rondeau and in the end the winner of the $1,000 would be Alex Martin. Then we would have the full-size trucks taking on the two modified v8 cars that showed up and in the end, there would be 2 going after the cold hard cash of $1,000 and it would be Eli Beshaw over Benjamin Kennedy for the win. Then we would have our new class the Economy Full Size cars with three entries and in the end they would keep it between the family as the Beshaw's would go after the first place trophy and prize money and the winner would be Tommy Beshaw. Then it would be onto the semi-stock compact car feature and there would be 9 cars entered in the end it would come down to a couple of cagey veterans with Allen Fountain and Terry Reno and in the end, Fountain would get his first feature win the $2,000 that goes with it. Then to finish the night it would be the Stock Compact feature which had 23 cars that qualified for it but only 14 were able to make the call they would put on a great show for about ten minutes for the crowd and in the end Zack Provost would get the win over Brandon Lamere and take home the hardware and $2,000. Most of these derby drivers will be back in action in a couple of weeks for the Franklin County Fair Demolition Derby on August 3rd. Gallery

into the front end loader
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Cole Bridges (8) stuffs Jerry O'Connor (131) into the front loader in the corner of the track. Gallery

Clinton County Fair Demolition Derby July 30th 2023

brotherly love
Photo By: 
Evan Patrie

It would be the last day of the Clinton County Fair 75th edition and it would be the popular demolition derby as the grandstand entertainment for the day as it would have something for drivers of all ages with the power wheels, lawn tractors, Compact Cars (Stock, Semi Stock, Modified), Modified Full-Size Cars, Trucks and Vans and there would be just about a 100 cars on the day. The demolition derby action would start off with the kids in the power wheels derby getting their 15 minutes of fame in front of the packed house as they show off their future derby skills. Then it would be onto the lawn tractors demolition derby and there would be ten of them and when the dust and smashing settled the winner would be Scott Bouyea. Then it would be onto the heats for the stock compact cars and there would be five of them and the winners would be Travis Reo, Aisleigh Sandberg, Kolby Blaise, Alex Martin, and Alan Fountain. Then it would be onto the evening show for the day and it would start off with the last chance qualifier for the stock compact cars and Terry Reno and Sami Durgan would advance. Then it would be featured from then on and it would start with the new Semi Stock Compact Cars and the winner on the night would end being Landon Sears, then it would be onto the trucks and vans in the full-size and mini division Dylan Peryea and Chico Martineau. Then next up would be the Modified Compact Cars and the four-car event and the winner would be Dave Compeau after the classic meltdown. Then we would have the beast of the demolition derby world with the fully modified full-size cars and it would come down to brotherly love as Kyle and Kaden Barney would battle it out for the thousand-dollar prize with Kyle getting the best of him this time around. The night would finish off with the stock compact cars main the $4,000 first place prize and 21 qualifiers in action and taking home the big check would be Terry Reno. Gallery

final blow
Photo By: 
Evan Patrie

Tony Reno (07) with the final blow on the Brandon Lamere (133) to get the win and the big $4,000 first-place check. Gallery

Essex County Fair Demolition Derby August 22nd 2021

back to back
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Jason Criss (30) and Jon Brown (72) with repeatve shots on each other to finish up the van division and would end with Brown winning even though his throttle was stuck. It would be the return of the Essex County Fair demolition derby this time though they would bring in spinning wheels to put on the show. With that thought, they would bring huge pay for the winners on the day and uniform rules that they use for all their shows around the northeast and they would every division there for the one-day show from the compact and full-size car's stock and modified along with the vans and truck divisions. It would be a smaller track in size and a lower car count show but that doesn't mean the action on the track wasn't any less as there would be so hard-hitting and twisted-up cars on a very successful show for the first time spinning wheels being at the fairgrounds. When the dust settled the winners on the day would be Anthony Provost (Compact Stock), Toby Ebersole (Compact Modified), Ben Brown Jr (Full Size), Clemente Bell (Trucks and Jon Brown in the vans. Gallery

folded up
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Brian Criss (98) with the shot on Todd Marlow (09) and the back end instantly holds up like an according. Gallery

Franklin County Fair Demolition Derby August 13th 2021

Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Kaden Barney tries to put himself inside the other car with the smashing hit. It would be the second night of demolition derby action at the Franklin County Fair as they would return for the smashing and crashing action. This time we would have the return of the compact and full-size cars along with the addition of the powers wheels for the kids along with the popular vans would there make their one appearance at the fair this year. It would be another smashing and crashing affair at the fairgrounds with the long track and no rain that night the drivers were able to get up some good speed and have some heavy-hitting making the mad dog hard to call in many heats on the night for the ticket to the main. When the hitting would stop and the calm would come upon the field the winners on the night would be Kayla Lamica (Compact Cars), Jason Marlowe (Full-Size Cars), and Jacob St. Mary (Vans). Gallery

Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Devin Martin (13) with the rear shot on the silver fox in the compact division as he was looking for the tires. Gallery

Franklin County Fair Demolition Derby August 8th 2021

crumbling up
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Zach Rolland (212) with the backward shot on Korey Prue (36) aiming for the back tires. It would be the opening night of the Franklin County Fair demolition derby and there would be compact, full-size, and trucks and there would be just over a hundred cars for the night. It would be a rainy night on the track and the mud would be a slinging on the track. The biggest attended division on the night would be the compact cars as they would have 5 heats of around 12 cars each/ They would put a twist on their event though this year as they would name their mad dog after the first two minutes of each heat and at that point, that driver had advanced to the main event on the evening. When the mud would stop flying on the night the winners would be Alex Martin in the compact cars, Logan Secore in the trucks, and Kaylee Marlow in the women's division. Gallery

rear end raising
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

The W.F.O. car with the shot on the silver beast that raises the back ends up on the shot and tries to ride up the car. Gallery

Clinton County Fair Demolition Derby August 1st 2021

Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Butch Lamere (57) with the crunching hit on Tommy Beshaw (49) as he is pushing the suburan across the track. After I a year off due to the covid 19 pandemic it was the return of the Clinton County Fair demolition derby in front of a packed crowd there would be just over a hundred in attendance ranging from full size, compact, trucks, and vans. It would be the annual all-day affair as the show would get underway at noon and would last till around ten o'clock. It would be a steady rain throughout the day but that would not keep the fans or competitors away from having a smashing good time. The biggest class of cars on the day would be the popular compact cars as they would need seven heats and consi and the championship to decide the winner. It would definitely be a hard-hitting day as competitors were looking to take out their frustration after not derby for two years and the hitting would show it on the track. When the dust and smashing would settle on the day the winners would be Tyler Atwell in the Full-Size cars, Brittany Woodside in the Truck division, Landon Sears in the Vans, and in the compact cars it would be Devin Fournier in the modified and Jerry Groucher in the stock class. Gallery

the final blow
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Tyler Atwell (3) with the final blow on the Timberjaxx to win the modified full size car division. Gallery

Independence Day Bash Norfolk Fire Department July 4th 2021

the future
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Its the future of the sport as the Maine kid takes out young mister reno for the victory. It would be the annual Independence Day Bash at the Norfolk Fire Department it what was believed to be a smaller to mid-size derby ended up being the biggest car count in the history of that derby at 103 cars. It was a good thing that it was in the middle of the summer cause the smashing wouldn't start till 2 pm and run to almost dark as the championship would finish up around 8-9 pm. It would be a hard-hitting affair throughout the day. It would start off with the youth derby and it would be won by a kid that came all the way down from Maine to have a little fun in the dirt with his car. Then when the big show got underway there would be compact, full-size, vans and trucks that would derby. As the sun was starting to set on the day before the fireworks would go off there would be a championing crowned on the day and it would be staying in St Lawerence County as Travis Charleston would get the feature win and take home the trophy, bragging rights, and a cool thousand dollars. Gallery

on the tire
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

The grooff jeep with the hard hit on the side of the side of the gray jeep as he looked to take out the tires and disable it.Gallery

May Madness Demolition Derby March 6th 2021

rear end shot
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Tyler King (20k) with the rear end shot on Tyler Burdo (26) that folds the hood right up. It would be the first edition of the may madness from the Clinton County Fairgrounds and there would be around 75 cars that would show up for the four different divisions. It would be a hard-hitting affair from start to finish in the 4 cylinder stock and modified along with the trucks and vans' small and big divisions. There also were a few 8 cylinders that would be attending. Along with the hard-hitting, there would be a few cars that would get pinned along the wall and get a little too hot and need some attention. When the dust and mud would settle on the night the winners for the event would be Jason Seymour (Big Trucks), Todd Ebersole (small trucks), John Brown (4 cylinders modified), and Terry Reno (4 cylinder stocks. Now everyone in the area will start getting their cars ready for the big fair show at the end of July. Gallery

Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Eli Beshaw (93) with the hard hit on Zachary Rondeau (88) sends him right into the concrete wall. Gallery

North Lawerence Fire Department Winter Bash Demolition Derby March 6th 2021

nodified vs van
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Oddie Cunningham with the modified 8 cylinders putting one of the final shots on the van that just wouldn't die. It would be the first-ever North Lawrence Fire Department, Winter Bash, at the Snyder Motorsports. It would be a first for this reporter to take in a demolition derby and would different experience. It would be on the cooler side seeing that this was the first weekend in March but the community would come out to support the event along with the North Lawrence Fire Department and the Snyder Motorsports Park that hosted. There would be around 60 cars that show up from your basic 4 cylinders to stock and modified 8 cylinders and the popular trucks and van. When the mud and snow would settle the winner on the day would be the popular Joey Foster. With the success of the event, the plans are already in the works for the second Winter Bash. Gallery

side shot
Photo By: 
Kyle Coryea

Brad Hathaway in the yellow and pink takes a side shot from the mayhem car that sends the mud just flying and sliding down the track. Gallery


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